Prim Sport Camps
Healthy Happy Girls
Healthy, happy girls make strong successful leaders and strong communities.
We will be offering two day sport camps for girls. Our program will combine physical activity in the sport of their choice, along with personal development and mentorship.
Our ultimate goal is to serve our community in the best way we can. Our large Prim team is a collection of skilled confident individuals and athletes that want to provide leadership and mentorship for the next generation of woman. GIRLS are the driver for our future.
We have delayed the start of our program due to Covid. Safety is on the top of our minds. We will proceed when our business feels it’s the proper time to do so. All Prim day camp information and registration will be through our Prim web-site.
Woman are our ultimate focus. We will be donating all net proceeds of these camps to the Lethbridge YWCA.
“I played every sport I could. I believe it’s given me the tools to help lead our large team. Whether it’s athletics, or a hobby in general, find your passion and OWN IT.”