Dr. ERIN ApPleton
Medical Director
What are you complimented most on in your work?
In my work with new families struggling with infant feeding, I would say I’m most complimented on my passion and dedication to helping mom’s reach their feeding goals, and the lack of judgement they feel when they walk in the doors of my feeding clinic. I strive to keep the mental health and well being of all the families that walk through the doors of my clinic as prioritized as possible, while also helping them to reach their breastfeeding goals. It is sometimes a hard balance, but having a soft place to land in my clinic is always what keeps the moms feeling supported and seen, whatever their feeding journey looks like in the end.
How long have you been working in your field?
I have dedicated over a decade of my medical career to helping new families in their sometimes tumultuous feeding journeys postpartum. It is the basis for my passion for nutrition, starting in the very first days of life!
In 2011 I completed my plant based nutrition certification from Cornell University and since then have dedicated more hours than I care to admit researching human nutrition and health optimization through gut health and lifestyle interventions. I have developed a passion for skin care and healthy aging over the past several years, and lifestyle medicine and optimized cellular health and nutrition are the keys to healthy aging!
What are you most passionate about both professionally and personally?
Personally, nothing matters more than my family. My 3 boys and my husband are my everything. As busy as I am in my career, I take the time to make sure we spend as much quality family time as possible together. You will never see me working on a school PD day, as I schedule each and every one of them off to be with my kids. Being my own boss has it’s perks :) I also grew up in a household of girls, being the oldest of 4. My sisters, my mom, my aunts and uncles, cousins and extended family mean the world to me and I owe who I am today to their love and support.
From my previous answers, you can probably guess my passion professionally is helping women!!!! Whether it be in bringing a new little one into the world and supporting their mental and emotional health, or in learning evidence based lifestyle and medical interventions to feel the best in their own skin as they age. I am here for ALL of it!
What are your goals?
I don’t really set goals, as I feel the world gives back what you put into it. I strive to give the world love, dedication, acceptance, loyalty, faith, tenacity, friendship, laughter and a little bit of spiciness for kicks lol
I do hope to improve access to evidence based infant feeding advice online with my infant feeding course. With the upcoming focus on lifestyle medicine at Prim, my goal is to help as many women as possible to access their own “glow from within” through simple lifestyle changes.
If you could be anywhere other than here, where would you go?
I try to focus on being happy where I am, and there is so much to love about being in Southern Alberta. The mountains have ignited my new passion for skiing (learning to ski in my 40s has been daunting but I LOVE IT!!!).
I love being in the woods and by water. I miss the ocean (I grew up in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia and the sea salt in the air. If I were to live anywhere but here it would probably be back in Atlantic Canada.