Nicole Benoit, RN
Nurse Injector
What are you most passionate about both professionally and personally?
Personally, I am most passionate about the family my husband and I have created. I have three amazing children, two girls and one boy, who fill my life with love and craziness. As young as they are, I can already see some of the values they are creating and how unique they are becoming; that makes me one proud mama.
Professionally, I would say putting myself through university while working two jobs and living on my own. I have always been a go-getter and strive to do my best in all things I am a part of. I am always looking for new learning opportunities and have a passion for teaching my patients. You will always catch me with a smile on my face and laughing- usually at myself! I think laughter is important and you can usually count on me for a good chuckle.
How long have you been working in your field?
I graduated from the University of Lethbridge with my Bachelor of Nursing in 2012. I started working in a rural emergency room and on their acute care ward in May of that year. After a couple of maternity leaves, I got offered a job at this same community’s clinic where I still continue to work. I have a passion for rural nursing, we get to see everything!
What are some of your favourite things?
I love playing volleyball! I have played in a recreation league for almost 14 years now. I played one year in grade 9 and SUCKED! Ha. But I love it so much and could never live without it. I also would give my left foot for a Costco sized bag of mini eggs (kind of kidding). I love good food and good company; live music and comedy shows. I love to travel, camp and spend quality time with the ones I love most.
Why nursing? Why Injectables?
Back story here… growing up, it was my mom, older brother and I. My mom worked a lot and I was a mom’s girl, through and through. I would always ask to go to work with her and thankfully, some days she was able to bring me! She worked with seniors and they loved kids. I would paint the ladies’ nails, we would bake, heck some of them would put our Shih Tzu in their walker baskets and take her for some laps around the cottage, it was so fun! This is where my passion for nursing started. I loved having a small impact on these people’s lives. I would spend time with them when others didn’t have the time or the chance and what a privilege it was, and still is.
As for injectables, I didn’t even know this was a thing up until a few years ago. I was so excited when I realized I could potentially pair my love for nursing and medicine with the beauty industry. I have always enjoyed getting my hair and nails done, and still do! I think it is so important for people to do the things that make them feel their best; we all deserve to feel that way. If I can have any part in making someone feel good, count me in!